
Click the Settings item on the Tools menu to open the Settings window.

Settings menu item

The Settings window has two tabs, General and Display.

Settings Window

General Settings

General settings include the following options

Show Range Wizard when Enabled

When checked, the Range Wizard window till display whenever you enabled the app on the tracker’s Apps menu.

Open Last Report on Startup

When checked, Range Wizard will open the last opened report on startup.

Run Last Report on Startup

When checked, Range Wizard will run the last opened report on startup.

Default Filter Players

The maximum number of players to include in each view

Minimum Player Hands

The minimum number of hands a player has to have to be included in a report view.

Minimum Filtered Player Hands

The minimum number of filtered hands a player has to have to be included in a report view.

Minimum Hole Cards Hands

The minimum number of shown down hole cards needed to show the hand ranges for a view.

“Players Similar to” Tolerance

This setting determines how close a player’s stats must be to the selected player to be included in a view.

Range Wizard compares each opponents’ VPIP and PFR stats to the selected player. If the differences of both values (in percent) are less than or equal to the setting, the player is included in the view.

For example, the selected player’s VPIP is 30% and PFR is 15%. If the tolerance is set to 10%, only opponents with a VPIP between 20% and 40% AND a PFR between 5% and 25% will be included.

Smaller values are more restrictive and will include fewer players.

Display Settings

Display settings control the look of Range Wizard.

Display settings


Sets the display theme.

Show Tool Bar Labels

When checked, tool bar button will show labels.

Tool bar with labels
Tool bar without labels

Report Percent Decimal Digits

Sets the number of digits to display in the Stats view.

Restore Defaults

The Restore Defaults button resets all settings to their default values.